All The Pinks With a little Purple Shawl in Bam Huey
Calm Waters Shawl in Bam Huey
Cream and Pale Blues Honeycomb Scarf
Brown Baby Camel Down and Wool Honeycomb Scarf
Green Neck Warmer with Shoulder Coverage
Blue Brick Neck Warmer with Pastels
Neck Warmer with shoulder coverage in Pink
Heavy Woven Blue Wool and Brown Baby Camel Down Scarf
Solar Shawl
Brown Bunny Neck Warmer
Burning Bush and Baby Camel Down Neck Warmer
Ruby Slippers on the Yellow Brick Road Hat
Blue, Purple, and Cream Honeycomb Neck Warmer
Baby Camel Down and Hue EO hand spun yarn shawl
Scarf and Hat set in Purples and Blues